Saturday, January 30, 2016

Blog Post #2

3 facts that I found interesting under “Is race Real” where numbers 1 (Race is a modern idea), 4 (race and freedom were born together), and 10 (colorblindness will not end racism). In fact number 1 talk about how race is a modern thing. This is because in earlier societies people were grouped based on their class, religion, or status. It is very interesting to think that our society was the one to create race to feel superior over other humans. Fact number 4 was the most interesting fact that I read. This is because I did not know that race and freedom were concepts that were born together. I always thought that one came after the other. Lastly, I really liked fact number 10 where it talks about how colorblindness will not end racism. As a society it is good that some of us “don’t see color”. But that alone wont stop racism, we need to find a way to stop having a certain group of individuals have more advantages then others.
In the two articles “Hoe white people became white” and “The roots of racial classification” examined how race came to be in our society. From these two articles you learn that immigrants from European countries “got caught up in…this race thing.” It is interesting to think about how we learned what race was and how we categorize ourselves bases on our skin color. From others articles I have read on this issues it has come to my attention that we learn from a very early age what color of skin we are and the importance it carries.

Another video that I came across with Tim Wise was “Tim Wise: ‘White Americans’ does not understand the racial realities of America”. Here Tim Wise talks about how white Americans do not understand the hardship of colored communities. During the interview Tim was asked if he thinks if it is possible for all the police brutality and racial issues to be resolved at some point in America. He goes on to talk about how he believes there is a chance because he sees similarities between now and how society was during the civil rights movement. I agree with Tim Wise that as a society we have a chance to change the way other communities are treated. But as a whole we have to all see what is happening in front of us first before we can truly change anything.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Blog Post #1

In Mr.Herbert article he describes that "there are millions who are still out in the cold, caught in a cycle of poverty, ignorance, illness and violence that is taking a horrendous toll." I do agree with Mr.Herbert on the notion of that there are many individuals who are stuck in a continuous cycle because of their backgrounds. For many it is hard to step out of this cycle because it is the only thing they know since it is what they are familiar with.
Some similarities between Mr.Herbert article and Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream Speech" is talking about the struggles of African Americans. They both talk about how blacks in America are living in poverty and are not treated the same as other Americans. Another similarity between the article and speech is wanting more for the black population of America. But there are differences, for example Mr.Herbert talks about needed a new voice and leader for another movement. Where during the time of when MLK gave his speech he was willing to be the face and voice of a civil rights movement.